Reading - Psalm 4-6
Reflection Text - Psalm 5
The Psalmist says, "In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly."
I was wondering if the rhythm of his requests has merit still for us.
Movement 1 - "in the morning" - before the day begins, "you hear my voice" - the poet makes sure God hears from him early in the day.
Movement 2 - "I lay my requests before you" - This God must be a God who is close if the poet feels safe enough to share personal requests.
Movement 3 - "and wait expectantly" - Whenever I hear "expectant" I think of a pregnant woman waiting, anticipating the coming of the new life.
-What needs to happen in my life where I can be this intimate with God?
-How do I cultivate a prayer life that is eagerly expecting God? What difference would that make in my life?
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