A Journey Together

This "virtual space" is a place where we can share reflections from our summer reading of the Psalms. Check the links on the side for the reading schedule, links to Youversion and our church.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14 Reflection

Reading - Psalm 97-99

Reflection Text - Psalm 98

Verse 1 says, "Sing to the Lord a NEW Song."

What is the NEW that God is doing in you?

I'm not asking, "What DID God do?" That's a question of remembrance or history. The psalmist encourages us to name a NEW song. To help you write the words to your song...

...where are you noticing the fruit of the Spirit emerging from you?

...how are you becoming more compassionate for the people hard to love?

...where has God specifically answered prayer for you?

...how has God taken care of you financially?

...how has God given you more self-revelation?

...how has God broken your heart for the lost?

Send me your NEW song...I'd love to sing with you.

1 comment:

  1. Been singing this song for about a month. If i could write songs, this would be it.


    He saw it burn but not away. He saw no ash but felt the heat on his face.
    If there was ever any hope that we could stand on our own, it was crushed by what he saw on that mountain.... [He = Moses]

    The glory of the latter house is much greater than the former one, and it was never in the structure but the Builder himself, and nothing will remain forever if it's not made new again...

    I remember that not every rain stops falling down when the earth is nourished.
    I can see now that not every flame is kept steady burning till the wood is ash....

    I'm not gonna make it if You don't remake me. No, I won't ever make it unless You remake me.

    I'll carry Grace like a flame. Only You could refine. Perfect! Perfect!
    Find in me the things to stay. Burn us bright but not away... bright but not away.

    I'll carry Grace like a flame. Only You could refine. Perfect! Perfect!
    Strip away all that remains. Burn us bright but not away... bright but not away.
