A Journey Together

This "virtual space" is a place where we can share reflections from our summer reading of the Psalms. Check the links on the side for the reading schedule, links to Youversion and our church.

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22 Reflection

Reading - Psalm 121-123

Reflection Text - Psalm 123

No matter what I said before, THIS is my favorite Psalm. I memorized the first 2 verses a couple years ago as I looked into the hills of Mexico while being surrounded by kids. These kids had no home...well, not one we'd call a house. They lived in cardboard homes in the city dump. We entered with some food and snacks to give them and we were blown away at their eagerness to snatch it from our hands. They were dependent upon us for their day's food.

Psalm 123 says,

"As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, until he has mercy upon us"

The writer places himself as the dependent child or slave who CANNOT get himself out of his situation. He must look up (so his posture must be one of lowering) for his help and if God doesn't show up, he's got nothing!

What does it mean to be dependent upon God for mercy? For sustenance? For life? For grace? Does dependent upon God necessitate a DENIAL of self-sufficiency?

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