A Journey Together

This "virtual space" is a place where we can share reflections from our summer reading of the Psalms. Check the links on the side for the reading schedule, links to Youversion and our church.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26 Reflection

Reading - Psalm 133-135

Reflection Text - Psalm 133

Seriously, may these 2 verse inspire us.

"How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!

It is like the precious oil on the head, running down the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down over the collar of his robes."

This oil is a lavish precious, pouring of oil onto the head of a new chief priest. Oil was also used to heal wounds and to mark one's entrance into the role of prophet, priest or king.

The writer is saying that when Christ-followers live in unity with one another it's a lavish, precious marking of the other's dignity.

...All those around are healed
...Service begins and is given authority.

But unity is difficult isn't it?

I think it's often hard because we think unity = sameness. I am united to my wife but we are not the same (in a lot of ways :)). Unity is a commitment of intent, of passion and of values. It is a lifestyle of saying, "I'm not willing to walk through life without you so I'll do what it takes to walk with you."

In my experience, we don't like UNITY because it is too difficult to live out. It requires confronting false peace. It requires hearing the other's heart and letting their needs trump ours. It requires letting people into our lives, on our soil, even when our living room is a mess. Unity requires a belief in something bigger than ourselves.

But I've seen God's people get it right too. I've seen friends pour our their whole selves to one another. I've seen churches rally around a cause that is bigger than anything. I've seen wives return to marriages because they refuse to let evil win. In all these cases, HEALING has been the fruit.

May we so be healed!

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